Owen serves as an R&D specialist for clients, introducing buyer clients to emerging technology and helping supplier clients develop and deliver cutting-edge technology to meet the specific needs of the buyer clients. Prior to Oktay, Owen served as the Global Storage Architect at Credit Suisse and expert in high performance computing. He was formerly a technical architect at Alliance Bernstein Global Enterprise Technical Services Group, where he helped establish the Enterprise Storage, Enterprise Systems Management and Data Governance, and Legal e-Discovery strategies.
During a one year sabbatical from Oktay, Owen ran Business Development for Nebula, one of the foundational companies for the OpenStack open-source private cloud platform. While at Nebula, Owen helped to establish partnerships with a range of cooperating technology companies. He also advised senior managers on enterprise strategy and mentored the software development teams.
Owen has also been a senior storage and systems engineer and/or architect for various financial services companies, including TD Waterhouse, Instinet, Merrill Lynch, and Morgan Stanley. At Morgan Stanley, he was one of the first technologists on Wall Street to recognize and harness the power of open systems enterprise storage arrays and MPP-based super computers. Owen was a member of the IBM Power Parallel team that developed the IBM SP supercomputer. He holds two patents in high-performance communications protocols.
Owen has a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering from Syracuse University.